after starting a ten-front war 

only to get caught running out of the minerals needed to develop their advanced alien technology -



 Land Lease Agreement : Jubilee Year -

enshrined in a 3 500 year old Law, protest notice served 2015. This the Final Warning,  reminder - Zionist Apartheid. Vacate, before 



It was after decades of being subjected to contradictory religious principles that I decided to look to the Bible for answers. Coming from a secular Christian background, and being familiar with the New Testament, I decided to focus on the Law of Moses (Musa) and the writings of the Old Testament Prophets. I was shocked to find predictions of what appeared to be the 9/11 attacks and even more stunned to stumble onto what looked like multiple simultaneous biological, chemical and nuclear attacks against Israel and their ‘Imperialist’ alliance. As well as all their global occupied territories! But it was the Laws recorded in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 that concerned me the most:



Laws of Leviticus 26: “You will make no idol or graven image, neither rear up a standing image,

neither set up an image of stone in your land, to bow down to it. You will keep My SABBATHS and reverence

My Sanctuary:  I am the Lord your God ...

If you will not listen to me, and not do ALL these Commandments; and if  

you despise My Statutes and your soul abhors My Judgments, so that ... you break My Covenant,

 I also will do this to you; I will even appoint over you


wasting diseases and fever that will consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart:

 and you will sow your seed (economies) in vain and your enemies will eat (destroy) it. I will set My

face against you and they that Hate you will rule over you and your

enemies will defeat (kill) you.

... and if for all this you still refuse to hear me, then I will punish you

seven (7) times more … and seven (7) times more ... and seven (7) times more ... and

seven (7) times more ...”



Of course, there has only ever been ONE GOD and ONE LAW. The understanding of the Seals and the great mysteries of the Last Book of the Holy Bible was locked into The LAW. The Law set in the first 5 Books of the Old Testament: 1. Genesis, 2. Exodus, 3. Leviticus, 4. Numbers, and 5. Deuteronomy, also called the TORAH. In other words, The LAW unlocked the 7 Bible Seals

2013 : Venezuela and Russia's Leaders - BRICS consolidation
2013 : Venezuela and Russia's Leaders - BRICS consolidation
2013: Black Lives Matter mergers - engine that drives 'The Movement'
2013: Black Lives Matter mergers - engine that drives 'The Movement'
Canadian indigenous join (BLM) climate protests - 2014
Canadian indigenous join (BLM) climate protests - 2014
American Red Indian's emotional uprising - 2016/7
American Red Indian's emotional uprising - 2016/7
Wikileaks co - founder Julian Assange  - 2016
Wikileaks co - founder Julian Assange - 2016
Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales celtic independence marches
Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales celtic independence marches
Palestine: protest every Friday in the Great March of Return - 2018/9
Palestine: protest every Friday in the Great March of Return - 2018/9
Canadian local youth join 'FridayForFuture' global protests - 2018/9
Canadian local youth join 'FridayForFuture' global protests - 2018/9
African lioness birth's a new breed (white lion cub) - 2018
African lioness birth's a new breed (white lion cub) - 2018
Western Europe: Youth protest in 78 countries - 2018/9
Western Europe: Youth protest in 78 countries - 2018/9
Australian indigenous youth join global Friday protests - 2018/9
Australian indigenous youth join global Friday protests - 2018/9
S Africa: Julius Malema founder of the Economic Freedom Fighters  2018
S Africa: Julius Malema founder of the Economic Freedom Fighters 2018
French Yellow Vest Movement - working class have had enough - 2018/9
French Yellow Vest Movement - working class have had enough - 2018/9
Yellow Vests protest every Saturday - W. Europe in solidarity - 2018
Yellow Vests protest every Saturday - W. Europe in solidarity - 2018
Wales independence marches grow bigger - 2018
Wales independence marches grow bigger - 2018
Scotland's independence marches grow bigger - 2018
Scotland's independence marches grow bigger - 2018
South - East Asia: Hong Kong (Chinese) youth fight for change - 2018/9
South - East Asia: Hong Kong (Chinese) youth fight for change - 2018/9
Africa: Algerian's march for change - 2018/9
Africa: Algerian's march for change - 2018/9
Middle-East: Lebanon protest change - 2019
Middle-East: Lebanon protest change - 2019
Eastern Europe: (Balkan's) protest surge - 2019
Eastern Europe: (Balkan's) protest surge - 2019
Sign of Peace: Julian Assange arrested - 2019
Sign of Peace: Julian Assange arrested - 2019
Venezuela: Protests sweep Latin America - 2018/9
Venezuela: Protests sweep Latin America - 2018/9
Lion cubs block a muddy road in SA Kruger national park - 2018/9
Lion cubs block a muddy road in SA Kruger national park - 2018/9
Utube - Prophet series - Moses (Musa)
Utube - Prophet series - Moses (Musa)
Deadly coronavirus 'plague' shuts down the world - 2020
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Pope Francis at st Peter's Square during Italy's virus lockdown 2020
Pope Francis at st Peter's Square during Italy's virus lockdown 2020
Old Jerusalem Roman Catholic quarter during lockdown - Passover 2020
Old Jerusalem Roman Catholic quarter during lockdown - Passover 2020
Vatican: covid - 19 Easter lockdown with Pope Francis - 2020
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utube - Contagion trailer - contagion movie trailer 2011
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utube - Samson 2018 trailer
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16 yr old Swedish climate activist Greta's plea to world leaders 2018
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Let's turn that page and Restore God's Laws
Let's turn that page and Restore God's Laws
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20 cubs and 5 lionesses block the road in SA Kruger national park


Taylor, a qualified Physicist, was probably one of the most intelligent people I had met in recent years. Coming from an atheist background I felt he’d be the perfect critic for my research - The 7 Bible Seals - of which the testimony of the prophet Muhammad formed part of. He spent 7 hours absorbing every aspect of a certain section of the work before commenting: The intelligence behind this work is not human.” The answer I gave him made him jump and twitch nervously. It was a couple of days before I again bumped into Taylor, this time, at the Library. I felt it was probably better if I asked him a question more related to his field of expertise. On a whim, I asked him: what is the basic chemical composition of the Biblical ... BRIMSTONE?” This time he answered more confidently: "Uranium" - the element needed for the making of an atom bomb. His answer startled me and I asked him: “Are you trying to convince me that the ancient Biblical weapons of Sodom and Gomorrah are our modern day weapons of mass destruction?” He answered swiftly: “YES". 


The architects of the western mind-set have for decades been trying to convince us that the 20th/21st century spelt a turning point in global technological advancement. What fools we’ve been not to realize, that what they were really doing was resurrecting an ancient prophecy captured in the First Book of the Holy Bible  


“... I will destroy you the way

I had destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for

exactly the same sin ...”


Sins of Sodom recorded in Ezekiel (Dha’l-Kifl) 16 


After ten years of protests, South Africa's Chief Zionist Rabbis' continued spread of their "New (free) - World" agenda:

GENESIS 19:1 There came two Angels to Sodom at evening … Lot (Lut) seeing them rose up to meet them … 2And he said: my lords turn in I pray you, into your servants house, and stay all night, and wash your feet and you will rise up early in the morning, and go your way. They said no, we will abide in the streets all night …3 and he pressed them and they came into his house, and he made them a Feast, and baked Unleavened Bread, and ate. 4 But before they slept the men of Sodom surrounded the house. Both old and young, all the people from every quarter: 5 And they called to Lot, Where are the men that came to you this night? bring them out to us, that we may have sex with them … 9 they came near to break the door ... 11 and the Angels struck the men with blindness ... 12 the Angels said to Lot…whatever you have in this city, bring them out of this place: 13 For we will destroy this place, because the CRY of them is waxen great before the face of the Lord, and the Lord has sent us to destroy it ... 15 And when morning arose the Angels hurried Lot to take his wife, two daughters and everything of value; and they were all instructed to leave the city 17 Escape for your life, look not back … that you not be consumed. 23 The sun was arisen on the earth ... Then the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from out of Heaven; 24 And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, ... 26 But his wife looked back ... and she turned into a pillar of salt.” - The Koran: Surah 21


 of God's people

 and the killing of 

the First - Born



 of God's people and the killing of Pharoah's armies: Crashing of the Seas


The hand down of the Ten Commandments -


After, the people 

turn against Moses and worship idols



Moses splits the people and the God fearing are instructed to kill all who had turned from their



This same Ancient Law

which existed at the start of creation and

bound the Angels of Heaven, was also, the 

same Law that existed before the

Jews became a people:

Laws of Angels



Leviticus 23

1.   The PASSOVER:

1.2 Unleavened Bread

1.3 Unleavened Bread - Firstfruits

1.4 Unleavened Bread - First Born - Male




as a woman giving birth 



mourn as for an only son 




the ancient Feast commemorating 

God sending the Holy Angels

to hand down 


the spoiler









KING DAVID's Covenant

 40 days





for our Sins


 65 years





Indigenous Tribes:

Moses told to ...


10 plagues   =   10 release years 

wilderness - 40 years



release of the captives







10th Plague on First-Born Male


Moses splits the

Jews and kills ...